Dear Members,
It's winter in Maine. The sun is returning, but much of the cold and snow is yet to come. My solace during these dark days comes from trying to avoid the distractions that make my mind spin, and going within to find my center and surround myself with what is true. I find that same peace by being in nature and when I think about holding my precious grandchild who just turned four months old!
The things that touch our hearts - these are the things that matter. We are healers and the world needs us right now. We hold that spirit of warmth, peace, and goodwill and pass it on to others. Whether it is in person, phone or video, social media, or an old fashioned card in the mail, this is what we do. We reach out, offering comfort, healing, and love to our friends, family, clients, and neighbors. Pass it on.
Please plan to join us on Zoom at our next General Council meeting on Saturday, February 6th 12:00 - 4:00pm for a business meeting followed by our afternoon program where we will welcome Dr. Casey LaPierre, a chiropractor practicing in Bowdoin. Some of the topics she will cover include Energetic Anatomy, Setting Intent, Energetic Boundaries as well as Muscle Testing. Dr. Casey's presentation will allow for the opportunity for dialog. You know we like to hear from you!