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Member in the Spotlight: Loretta Baker

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts and lived there until the age of 12, when my parents bought a home in Canton, a suburb south of Boston. I moved to Maine when I was 35 and I love Maine. I consider this my home, even though I am not a true Mainer. I have three sons who have decided to live and raise their families in Maine. My older brother also moved to Maine to be near family.

Before I became a reflexologist I had many occupations, including a Union Bricklayer and an armed security guard at Maine Yankee. When the plant closure was announced I took the first layoff and went back to school to obtain a degree in Accounting. I went to work for the State of Maine in 2000 as an accountant and retired in 2013.

I first became interested in reflexology by seeking treatment for the heels of my feet. They were very painful in the mornings and during walks. A co-worker told me that he goes to a reflexologist in Augusta. Before seeking the help of a podiatrist, I chose to look on the internet under reflexologist, found Myra’s website and chose Colleen Ouellette from the Augusta area. I went monthly to Colleen for 5 years and to this day my feet are pain free. With Colleen’s encouragement I attended Myra’s School and became certified in January 2013. I enjoy being a reflexologist and helping my clients feel their best. I have met many wonderful people. I have also taken Reiki I and II classes for use mostly at home. I like belonging to an association of fellow reflexologists, and really enjoy the community, continuing education, and learning new ideas from members.

I have been a member for 3 years, and became Treasurer of MCR as soon as I became a professional member. Having accounting experience really helped with this position. Also it has given me an opportunity to help MCR and also get to know members more on a one-on-one basis. I have learned a lot along the way. Becoming involved with MCR has really been a great experience. Having only attended one workshop so far, I find them very informative and helpful in increasing my knowledge. In the future, I would like to study the lymphatic system to help with cases of edema. I am looking forward to attending our next workshop. I love to walk and hike. Reading is also a favorite.

I attend weekly Pilates and Yin-Yoga classes. Spending time with my grandchildren, participating in family events and traveling with my husband when I have the opportunity is a blessing. I enjoy MCR meetings and getting to know more of the members. Our members are so diversified in talent, it is interesting to learn about them and how they became reflexologists. I look forward to talking to current members and new members of MCR.

Interviewed and edited by Wendy Decker, Newsletter reporter


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