My husband and I own C.W. Martin Concrete, a concrete construction contractor company. We also own a property management company and a company called You & Improved (a wellness business). I always had an interest in reflexology, but the motivating factor to pursue reflexology further was our business, You & Improved. I use a non-invasive fat loss laser called Zerona. This laser is highly dependent on the body's ability to process fat. In looking for ways to increase clients’ results, I began to research ways to improve the lymphatic system. My search led me back to reflexology. I already had an office and knew I could see clients at the same location. The extreme flexibility of my main job, bookkeeping for our other two companies, allows me to work at home, so I knew I could easily schedule private clients. I signed up, then graduated from SoleWise School of Reflexology with Claire Guy in 2018.
Many people have no idea what reflexology is or how it can help them. I am passionate about sharing reflexology with others and being able to make a difference in someone else's quality of life. For me, one of the most enjoyable parts of being a reflexologist is helping clients resolve long standing pain. One month ago, I saw a new client who complained of chronic back pain from surgeries he'd had. After a fall last year, his pain increased.
The doctors could not find anything wrong. Reflexology was the first thing in a year that was able to bring him some relief. I love that it is natural and something clients can also do at home for themselves. Most of the clients I see come to me for some kind of pain relief.
I volunteer each year at the House in the Woods, a military hunting retreat for veterans. I would say that 85% of them have never heard of reflexology and are amazed at the effect it has, even after just twenty minutes. They have sacrificed so much for us; it is the least I can do to give back.
I became a member of MCR as soon as I was given the paperwork in class. I think belonging to a professional organization is a necessity in our field. The state does not regulate our profession and being a member of MCR helps my clients feel confident being that I am a certified reflexologist.
Being a member also helps me stay connected to other members. Sharing experiences and knowledge with other reflexologists is a wonderful resource. I am also a member of ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals).
I attended Sally Kay's “RLD” workshop and “Reflexology for Cancer and Palliative Care” with Sue Ricks. I incorporate parts of both of these techniques into almost every session with clients. I have yet to meet anyone who didn't benefit from both. Currently, I am taking an online ear reflexology course from Alison Rippin. I am excited to bring that to my practice as well.
On the personal side, I am an avid hunter. My husband and I enjoy hunting vacations and even went to New Zealand last winter. That trip was absolutely amazing! We also enjoy fishing and trapping. I enjoy creative arts as well.
My children are young adults now and to fill the void they left, I adopted two Great Dane puppies, Sulley and Jayne. They keep my days pretty busy. They are a mellow lovable breed. I hope to be able to bring them to the Veterans Home as therapy dogs when they are a little older.